2012年3月3日初稿 | ![]() |
2012年3月5日修正 | |
2012年5月28日修正 | |
2014年8月13日修正 |
少し時間ができたので,2012年1月14日実施、大学入試センター試験 英語(筆記)を TeX で作成してみた。
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% % cnt_eigo2012.tex % % 作成者: gbb60166@gmail.com % 更新日: Aug 13, 2014 % 2012年1月14日実施、大学入試センター試験「英語(筆記)」から引用 % \documentclass[11pt,b5j]{jsarticle} \usepackage{plext,tkokugo,jdkintou} % 上記スタイルファイルは次の URL から入手出来ます。(plextを除く) % http://homepage3.nifty.com/xymtex/fujitas2/texlatex/index.html#tategumi % \usepackage{utf} % 上記スタイルファイルは次の URL から入手出来ます。 % http://w32tex.org/index-ja.html の utf.tar.xz % dvioutで表示するときは[Font2]の[ftt:]ボタンを押して ^x\map\ttfonts.map を設定してください % また [System] で font buffer size を 1024K くらいにしてください。 % dvipdfmxの場合 \usepackage[dvipdfmx]{color} \usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx} % dvioutの場合 %\usepackage[dviout]{graphicx} % dvips を利用して PDF を作るの場合 %\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} %\DeclareGraphicsRule{.jpg}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps -c #1} % dvipdfmx -p jisb5 cnt_eigo2012 % dvips -Ppdf -t jisb5 cnt_eigo2012 \makeatletter% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \def\@マークシート#1{\ifcase#1\or {\marksheet 1}\or {\marksheet 2}% \or {\marksheet 3}\or {\marksheet 4}\or {\marksheet 5}% \or 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\fbox{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\hskip12pt{\mrksht#1}\hskip12pt}\ } \def\mykasen{\underline{\rule[-4.5pt]{0pt}{12pt}\hskip48pt} } %\def\mykasen{\vbox{\hbox{\strut \sikaku{24}}\hrule width2cm height-5pt depth8pt} } %\def\mykasen{\vbox{\hbox{\sikaku{24}}\kern2pt\hrule height-5pt depth6pt} } %\def\underline#1{\vbox{\hbox{#1}\kern2pt\hrule height1pt depth1pt}} \def\godangumitwo#1#2#3#4#5{% \makebox[0.3\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet1}\hskip1zw #1} \makebox[0.3\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet2}\hskip1zw #2} \makebox[0.3\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet3}\hskip1zw #3} \makebox[0.3\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet4}\hskip1zw #4} \makebox[0.3\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet5}\hskip1zw #5}\\} \def\nidangumi#1#2#3#4{% \makebox[0.45\textwidth][l]{{#1}\hskip1zw #2} \makebox[0.45\textwidth][l]{{#3}\hskip1zw #4}} \def\yondangumi#1#2#3#4{% \makebox[0.22\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet1}\hskip1zw #1} \makebox[0.22\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet2}\hskip1zw #2} \makebox[0.22\textwidth][l]{{\marksheet3}\hskip1zw #3} 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\parindent=1zw \gt ドイツ語,フランス語,中国語及び韓国語の問題冊子は,大学入試 センター試験の出願時に,それぞれの科目の受験を希望した者に配付します。 \end{minipage} \vskip1zw \hskip3.5zw{\gt\kintou{6zw}{注意事項}} \begin{enumerate} \itemindent=1zw \labelsep=1zw \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=16pt \itemsep=3pt \parskip=0pt \item {\gt 解答用紙には解答欄以外に次の記入欄があるので,それぞれ正しく記入し,マークしなさい。} \begin{enumerate} \itemindent=1zw \labelsep=1zw \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=16pt \itemsep=3pt \item[\CID{7555}] {\gt 受験番号欄} {\gt 受験番号}\hskip-4pt(数字及び英字)\hskip-4ptを{\gt 記入}し,さらに その下のマーク欄に{\gt マーク}しなさい。{\gt 正しくマークされていない場合は,採点できないことがあります}。 \item[\CID{7556}] {\gt 氏名欄,試験場コード欄} {\gt 氏名・フリガナ}及び{\gt 試験場コード}\hskip-5pt(数字)\hskip-5ptを{\gt 記入}しなさい。 \item[\CID{7557}] {\gt 解答科目欄} {\gt 解答する科目}を一つ選び,科目名の下の\kern1pt{\marksheet!}\kern1ptに{\gt マーク}しなさい。 {\gt マークされていない場合又は複数の科目にマークされている場合は,{\mrksht0}点}となります。 ただし,出願時にドイツ語,フランス語,中国語及び韓国語の問題冊子の配付を希望しなかった者は英語として採点します。 \end{enumerate} \item この問題冊子は,33ページあります。 試験中に問題冊子の印刷不鮮明,ページの落丁・乱丁及び解答用紙の汚れ等に気付いた場合は,手を挙げて監督者に知らせなさい。 \item 解答は,解答用紙の解答欄にマークしなさい。 例えば,\sikaku{\mrksht10} と表示のある問いに対して{\marksheet3}と解答する 場合は,次の\hskip-5pt(例)\hskip-5ptのように {\gt 解答番号}{\mrksht10}の{\gt 解答欄}の{\marksheet3}に{\gt マーク}しなさい。\\ \unitlength=1mm \hspace*{5zw} \begin{picture}(100,18)(0,0) \thicklines \multiput(0,0)(0,16){2}{\line(1,0){77}} \multiput(0,0)(77,0){2}{\line(0,1){16}} \put(-8,14){\makebox(0,0){(例)}} \thinlines \put(0,7){\line(1,0){77}} \put(20,0){\line(0,1){16}} \put(10,11.5){\makebox(0,0){\gt 解答番号}} % \put(8.5,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\mrksht1}} \put(11.5,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\mrksht0}} % \put(26,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet1}} \put(31,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet2}} % ■ \marksheet| は塗りつぶし楕円 \put(36,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet|}} \put(41,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet4}} \put(46,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet5}} \put(51,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet6}} \put(56,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet7}} \put(61,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet8}} \put(66,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet9}} \put(71,3.5){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet0}} % \put(48.5,11.5){\makebox(0,0){\kintou{9zw}{\gt 解答欄}}} \end{picture} \item 問題冊子の余白等は適宜利用してよいが,どのページも切り離してはいけません。 \item 試験終了後,問題冊子は持ち帰りなさい。 \end{enumerate} \end{minipage} \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\マークシート{enumi}} %\labelsep=1zw \newpage % 2ページと3ページは白紙ページのようだ %\newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ %\mbox{} %\newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ %\mbox{} %\newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \baselineskip=16pt \fboxrule=1.5pt \centerline{\Huge\gt\kintou{4zw}{英語}\kern-0.5zw{\rm(}筆記{\rm )}} \vspace*{1zw} \centerline{{\large\raisebox{1pt}{$\Big($}{\gt 解答番号} \sikaku{1}~\sikaku{54}\raisebox{1pt}{$\Big)$}}\hspace*{1zw}} \vspace*{1.5zw} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 一 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setcounter{sujitoi}{0} \baselineskip=20pt \toi 次の問い({\bf A}・{\bf B})に答えよ。(配点 14) \vskip3zh \noindent {\bf A} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht4})において,下線部の発音が,ほかの三つと{\gt 異なるもの}を, それぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \vskip3zh \begin{description}% 1番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第1問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi \sikaku{1} \yondangumi{am\underline{u}se}{c\underline{u}te}{f\underline{u}ture}{r\underline{u}de} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第2問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi \sikaku{2} \yondangumi{f\underline{ea}ther}{f\underline{e}deral}{g\underline{e}nder}{g\underline{e}ne} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第3問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi \sikaku{3} \yondangumi{enou\underline{gh}}{lau\underline{gh}ter}{mi\underline{gh}ty}{rou\underline{gh}} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第4問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi \sikaku{4} \yondangumi{a\underline{cc}use}{cir\underline{c}umstance}{de\underline{c}ay}{fa\underline{c}ility} \end{description}% 1番目のdescriptionの終わり \setcounter{page}{4} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \setcounter{subtoi}{0} \noindent {\bf B} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht3})において,与えられた語と第一アクセント(第一強勢)の位 置が同じ語を,それぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \begin{description}% 2番目のdescriptionの始まり \vskip3zh % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第5問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi modern \sikaku{5} \yondangumi{athlete}{career}{fatigue}{sincere} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第6問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi religion \sikaku{6} \yondangumi{calculate}{entertain}{ignorant}{musician} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第7問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi identity \sikaku{7} \yondangumi{automobile}{disagreement}{electronics}{geography} \end{description}% 2番目のdescriptionの終わり \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 二 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setcounter{sujitoi}{0} \baselineskip=20pt \toi 次の問い({\bf A}~{\bf C})に答えよ。(配点 41) \vskip3zh \noindent {\bf A} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht10})の\sikaku{8}~\sikaku{17}に入れるのに最も適当なものを,そ れぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \begin{description}% 3番目のdescriptionの始まり \vskip3zh % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第8問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Some companies have \sikaku{8} a new policy of using English as the official in-house language. \bigskip \yondangumi{absorbed}{accompanied}{adopted}{appointed} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第9問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Could you show me how to make my mobile phone ring diffelently, \sikaku{9} who's calling me? \bigskip \nidangumi{\marksheet1}{depending on}{\marksheet2}{in spite of} \nidangumi{\marksheet3}{on behalf of}{\marksheet4}{relying on} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第10問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Ms.~Bell is stuck in a traffic jam.The important meeting will have finished by the time she \sikaku{10} . \bigskip \nidangumi{\marksheet1}{arrives}{\marksheet2}{may arrive} \nidangumi{\marksheet3}{will arrive}{\marksheet4}{will have arrived} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第11問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi We had the microwave,the toaster and the heater all \sikaku{11} at the same time,and the circuit breaker switched off. \bigskip \yondangumi{in}{on}{up}{with} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第12問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Mr. Brown looked over the cliff and found he was standing at the edge of a \sikaku{12} drop. \bigskip \yondangumi{circular}{cubic}{horizontal}{vertical} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第13問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi You can apply for this overseas program on the \sikaku{13} that you have a letter of recommendation from your teacher. \bigskip \yondangumi{condition}{limitation}{requirement}{treatment} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第14問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi ``I heard Daiki's sisters are twins. Have you met them?"\\ \hspace*{8pt}``No, I haven't met \sikaku{14} of them yet." \bigskip \yondangumi{each}{either}{every}{neither} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第15問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi You should not let your personal emotions \sikaku{15} in the way of making that important decision. \bigskip \yondangumi{stand}{standing}{to be stood}{to stand} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第16問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi ``Wihich girl is Shiori?"\\ \hspace*{8pt}``The one \sikaku{16} had a chat with a moment ago." \bigskip \yondangumi{I}{myself}{that}{who} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第17問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard to improve his English in order to carry \sikaku{17} his duties more effectively. \bigskip \yondangumi{away}{back}{off}{out} \end{description}% 3番目のdescriptionの終わり \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \setcounter{subtoi}{0} \noindent {\bf B} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht3})の会話の\sikaku{18}~\sikaku{20}に入れるのに最も適当なもの を,それぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \bigskip \def\taiwa#1#2{% \parbox[t]{6em}{\hfill #1\hspace*{8pt}}% \parbox[t]{25em}{\baselineskip=20pt#2}} \begin{description}% 4番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第18問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi \hskip-13.8pt \taiwa{Hotel clerk:}{({\it Answers the telephone})Good evening. May I help you?} \taiwa{Guest:}{Hello. There's a problem with my shower.No water's coming out.} \vskip9pt \taiwa{Hotel clerk:}{My apologies for the inconvenience. I'll send someone to repair it. \sikaku{18}} \vskip9pt \taiwa{Guest:}{No. Actually, I need to take a shower now.Can I move to another room?} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item Are you caught in a shower? \item Could you explain the problem? \item Could you wait for about an hour? \item Would you like to change rooms? \end{enumerate} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第19問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \def\taiwa#1#2{% \parbox[t]{4em}{\hfill #1\hspace*{8pt}}% \parbox[t]{25em}{\baselineskip=24pt#2}} \itemtoi \hskip-13.8pt \taiwa{Maria:}{Kathy's late. Didn't you tell her how to get to our house?} \taiwa{James:}{No, you were supposed to tell her.} \taiwa{Maria:}{Oh, I forgot all about it.} \taiwa{James:}{Then, \sikaku{19}.} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item it's no wonder she could be on time \item she might be lost and wandering around \item she must have found herself lost in thought \item you'll locate her house without any problem \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \def\taiwa#1#2{% \parbox[t]{6em}{\hfill #1\hspace*{8pt}}% \parbox[t]{25em}{\baselineskip=20pt#2}} % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第20問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi \hskip-13.8pt \taiwa{Anna:}{Will you be able to come to the party on Sunday?} \taiwa{Stephen:}{I'm not sure because I have a biology report to hand in on Monday.} \vskip9pt \taiwa{Anna:}{I see. So, I guess you can't make it then.} \taiwa{Stephen:}{\sikaku{20}} \taiwa{Anna:}{I can wait till Saturday night.} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item Can you wait till Monday? \item Do you need my answer now? \item How long will the party last? \item What time do we have to come? \end{enumerate} \end{description}% 4番目のdescriptionの終わり \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \setcounter{subtoi}{0} \noindent {\bf C} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht3})において,それぞれ下の語句を並べかえて空所を補い,文 を完成させよ。解答は\sikaku{21}~\sikaku{26}に入れるものの番号のみを答えよ。 \end{minipage} \bigskip \begin{description}% 5番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第21, 22問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi ``Did you install that computer software you bought last week?" \hspace*{8pt}``Yes. And \mykasen \underline{\sikaku{21}} \mykasen \mykasen \underline{\sikaku{22}} use." \bigskip \godangumi{easy}{finding}{I'm}{it}{to}% センター試験ではfindingは合わせ字になっていない \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第23, 24問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi The entertainer was happily \mykasen \underline{\sikaku{23}} \mykasen \\ \mykasen \underline{\sikaku{24}} up in the air. \bigskip \godangumitwo{arms}{her}{raised}{singing}{with} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第25, 26問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Because he came down with the flu, \mykasen \underline{\sikaku{25}} \mykasen \\ \mykasen \underline{\sikaku{26}} for a week. \bigskip \godangumitwo{forced}{he}{stay at home}{to}{was} \end{description}% 5番目のdescriptionの終わり \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \centerline{(\kintou{7zw}{下書き用紙})} \bigskip 英語\hskip-0.5zw(筆記)\hskip-0.5zwの試験問題は次に続く。 \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \setcounter{subtoi}{0} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 三 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \toi 次の問い({\bf A}~{\bf C})に答えよ。(配点 46) \vfill \noindent {\bf A} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}・{\gt 問}{\mrksht2})の英文を読み,下線部の語句の意味をそれぞれの文章か ら推測し,\sikaku{27}・\sikaku{28}に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の {\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \vfill \begin{description}% 6番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第27問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi \hspace*{-2zw} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \hspace*{2em}\baselineskip=20pt Mr.~Matsumoto is an English teacher who believes English classes should start with a joke. He always tries hard to create funny jokes. Some of his students have complained about his jokes being a waste of time. His colleagues also have advised him not to spend so much time writing jokes. However, Mr.~Matsumoto is such \underline{an obstinate person} that he will not listen to them and continues to spend a lot of time making up jokes for his classes. \end{minipage} \vfill In this situation, \underline{an obstinate person} means a person who is \mbox{\sikaku{27}.} \begin{enumerate} \item flexible about ideas \item generous to his students \item unable to reject criticism \item unwilling to change his mind \end{enumerate} \vfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第28問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \def\taiwa#1#2{% \parbox[t]{4em}{\hfill #1\hspace*{8pt}}% \parbox[t]{30em}{\baselineskip=24pt#2}} \itemtoi \hspace*{-3zw} \taiwa{Paul:}{Have you heard about Erina's accident? On a rainy day last month, she was hurt when she slipped and fell on her knees.} \vskip9pt \hspace*{-3zw} \taiwa{John:}{I know. She had to see a doctor regularly for a month.} \hspace*{-3zw} \taiwa{Paul:}{Yeah. Her doctor said she's fine now. I've heard she has already started taking dance classes again.} \vskip9pt \hspace*{-3zw} \taiwa{John:}{Oh, good. She's \underline{right as rain} then.} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \baselineskip=18pt In this situation, \underline{right as rain} means \sikaku{28}. \begin{enumerate} \item fully recovered \item quite helpful \item really careful \item very dependent \end{enumerate} \end{description}% 6番目のdescriptionの終わり \setcounter{subtoi}{0} \noindent {\bf B} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=18pt 次の英文は,昼休みに行われた英会話クラブの活動で,4人の高校生がテレビ の子どもへの影響について議論している場面の一部である。\sikaku{29}~\sikaku{31} に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}の うちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \vskip12pt \def\taiwa#1#2{% \parbox[t]{5em}{\hfill #1\hspace*{3pt}}% \parbox[t]{29em}{\parindent=1em \baselineskip=18pt#2}} % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第29問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \taiwa{Kenji:}{I think watching television too much is harmful to young children. I've read that it can delay their speech development. I believe face-to-face communication is essential for young children to develop their speech. I know some parents use TV as a babysitter. Maybe they're very busy, but they should try to make time for their children rather than just let them watch television. Oh, here comes Hiroshi. Hi, Hiroshi.} \vspace*{11pt} \taiwa{Hiroshi:}{Sorry I'm late.} %\vspace*{9pt} \taiwa{Miki:}{Hi, Hiroshi. We've just started. We're talking about the effects of television on young children. Kenji thinks \mbox{\sikaku{29}.}} \vskip2zh \begin{enumerate} \itemindent=1zw \labelsep=1zw \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=16pt \item parents should talk to their young children about television programs unless they're busy \item watching television is good because it enables young children to develop their speech \item watching television is harmful for parents because it robs them of precious time \item young children who watch television a lot may not learn to talk as early as they should \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \baselineskip=15pt % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第30問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \taiwa{Takako:}{I can understand your point, Kenji. But have you ever thought how busy parents are? They have to take care of the house and kids! Sometimes it is very convenient to let their young children watch TV. I think it's OK, as long as the viewing time is limited and the contents of the programs are checked. Besides, there are educational TV programs. For example, by watching English TV programs for young kids, children can get used to the sounds of English.} \bigskip \taiwa{Kenji:}{OK, your point is \sikaku{30}.} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \itemindent=1zw \labelsep=1zw \parindent=1zw \item busy parents can teach their children the sounds of English by watching TV programs \item parents should be encouraged to watch educational TV programs with their young children \item the best way to learn English while we are very young is to watch English TV programs \item watching TV programs can be good for the education of children if it is carefully monitored \end{enumerate} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第31問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \taiwa{Hiroshi:}{You must be talking about the effect on very young children. But I was thinking about children who are a little bit older, like four, five, or six years old. When I was that age, I often watched action hero stories. In such stories, the hero eventually defeats the bad character in the end. Although TV hero stories are far from reality, that kind of program demonstrates the difference between things you should and should not do. In real-life situations, we don't always have opportunities to learn this. Watching TV programs can be one way to learn right from wrong.} \taiwa{Miki:}{OK, you seem to be \sikaku{31}.} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \baselineskip=20pt \begin{enumerate} \itemindent=1zw \labelsep=1zw \parindent=1zw \item against watching television because programs are different from reality \item against watching television because right or wrong can be learned through experience \item for watching television because it can teach valuable lessons in life \item for watching television because programs are the same as reality \end{enumerate} \bigskip \taiwa{Takako:}{Oh! We have to go. Class is about to start. Let's talk about this again later.} \vskip9pt \taiwa{Kenji:}{OK, good idea.} \taiwa{Hiroshi:}{I agree. See you after class.} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \noindent {\bf C} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の文章の\sikaku{32}~\sikaku{34}に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の {\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \vfill \parindent=20pt Do you like eating ``mixed nuts'' while watching TV and movies at home? Since both almonds and peanuts can be found in the mixed nuts sold at grocery stores in Japan, you might assume that they are similar types of food. Indeed, \sikaku{32}. For instance, they are both nutritious as sources of minerals and vitamins. At the same time, however, some people can have allergic reactions to them. According to recent research, many children suffer from peanut and almond allergies. Despite these similarities, however, almonds and peanuts are quite different. First, although they are both called nuts, they are classified differently in plant science. The almond is considered a drupe. This kind of plant bears fruit, inside of which is a hard shell with a seed. Other examples of drupes are peaches and plums, but with almonds, the seed is the part we eat. In contrast, the peanut is classified as a legume, a type of bean. The peanut grows underground, while the almond grows on trees. Moreover, each peanut shell contains from one to three peanuts as seeds, while the almond fruit has only one seed. Second, almonds and peanuts \sikaku{33}. Almonds came from the Middle East. Gradually, they spread to northern Africa and southern Europe along the shores of the Mediterranean, and later to other parts of the world. Peanuts, however, were first grown in South America, and later they were introduced to other parts of the world. In conclusion, the product that we know as mixed nuts actually \mbox{\sikaku{34}.} % ■ \mbox{}が無いとピリオドの前で改行されてしまう Almonds and peanuts are plants which differ greatly, despite their notable similarities. \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \baselineskip=16pt % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第32問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \sikaku{32} \begin{enumerate} \item it may be difficult to find some similarities between them \item many consumers know about differences between them \item there is a wide variety in each package of mixed nuts \item they share some interesting characteristics with each other \end{enumerate} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第33問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \sikaku{33} \begin{enumerate} \item are produced in different countries today \item are similar in that both are grown as crops \item differ in terms of their place of origin \item originated in the same part of Africa \end{enumerate} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第34問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \sikaku{34} \begin{enumerate} \item consists of foods with distinct characteristics \item contains foods having several similar qualities \item includes different foods that may harm human health \item offers good examples of plants defined as true nuts \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \setcounter{subtoi}{0} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 四 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \toi 次の問い({\bf A}・{\bf B})に答えよ。(配点 33) \bigskip \baselineskip=19pt \noindent {\bf A} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の文章と図およびグラフを読み,下の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht3})に対する答えとして \sikaku{35}~\sikaku{37}に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうち から一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \vskip2zh Wood used in the construction of homes must be stable. That is, it must not change size too much. But wood from a tree that has just been cut down will shrink considerably over time. This shrinkage is caused by moisture (water) within the wood escaping into the atmosphere. The drying process of wood is known as "seasoning." There are actually two ways to season wood. One way is to allow the natural drying process to occur. The other is to put it in a special oven called a kiln. Kiln drying is much faster than the natural method. During the seasoning process, water is removed from the wood until the moisture content of the wood is approximately equal to the humidity of the air around it. These changes in size due to shrinkage are not uniform because changes depend on the kinds of trees, the way trees are cut, and the surrounding conditions. It is also important to note that even after seasoning, there will always be some small changes in size due to changes in the humidity of the surrounding air. For example, last year, I used a 230 mm wide piece of eastern white pine wood to make a cabinet door. It changed in width across the grain ({\it Figure 1}), shrinking by 2 mm from the original in the winter and expanding by 3 mm from the original in the summer. The moisture content of wood changes according to the seasons even when it is kept indoors. Wood is often painted to prevent sharp changes in moisture content, which cause expansion and shrinkage. However, no paint can completely block the passage of moisture. Paint only acts to slow down the transfer of moisture to or from the wood. As illustrated in the graph ({\it Figure 2}), the moisture content of unpainted wood inside a house may change according to the seasons from 4\% to about 14\%, while the moisture content of a painted piece of kiln-dried wood in the same house will only vary around the 8\% line. Wood that has been naturally dried to around 13\% moisture content and then painted will continue to dry gradually until it reaches about the same percentage of moisture as painted kiln-dried wood. \centerline{\includegraphics*[clip,width=67.4mm,height=45.9mm]{p19_fig1.pdf}} \centerline{{\it Figure 1}\hskip1em The eastern white pine wood used in the cabinet door} \vskip5pt \centerline{\includegraphics*[clip,width=117.2mm,height=54.1mm]{p19_fig2.pdf}} \centerline{{\it Figure 2}\hskip1em Seasonal changes in the moisture content of interior wood} \vspace*{-8pt} {\footnotesize \hspace*{22em}(Location: Northern United States)\\[-8pt] \hfill{\em Understanding Wood: A Craftsman's Guide to Wood Technology}\\[-8pt] \hspace*{13em}R.B. Hoodley (2000) を参考に作成 } \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \begin{description}% 7番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第35問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Between the winter and summer, what was the difference in width across the grain of the wood used in the cabinet door? \sikaku{35} \vskip3zh \begin{enumerate} \baselineskip=20pt \item 2 mm \item 3 mm \item 5 mm \item 8 mm \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第36問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Which of the lines in the graph ({\it Figure 2}) represent painted wood? \sikaku{36} \vskip2zh \begin{enumerate} \itemindent=1zw \listparindent=1zw \item A and B \item A and C \item A, B, and C \item B and C \end{enumerate} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第37問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Which of the following statements is true? \sikaku{37} \vskip2zh \begin{enumerate} %\labelsep=1zw \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt \itemindent=1zw \listparindent=1zw \item Kiln-dried wood does not later change size due to the humidity in the air. \item Oven-dried and naturally dried wood are both influenced by the surrounding air. \item The moisture content of painted wood does not change. \item Wood can be ``seasoned" by painting it. \end{enumerate} \end{description}% 7番目のdescriptionの終わり \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \setcounter{subtoi}{0} \noindent {\bf B} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次のページのコンサートに関する広告を読み,次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht3})の \sikaku{38}~\sikaku{40}に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうち から一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \vfill \begin{description}% 8番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第38問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Which of the following statements is true? \sikaku{38} \vfill \begin{enumerate} \item Acton City Stadium will host {\it Seven Funky Rangers'} spring concert. \item {\it Seven Funky Rangers} are famous for their two top-selling songs. \item {\it Seven Funky Rangers} will perform several times this year. \item The legendary {\it Hip Hop Heroes} are the main attraction. \end{enumerate} \vfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第39問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Which of the following costs \$80 if bought on August 18th? \sikaku{39} \vspace*{-2zh} \vfill \begin{enumerate} \item One class A standard seat. \item One class B standard seat. \item One class B VIP seat. \item One stage front ticket. \end{enumerate} \vfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第40問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi A family consisting of a father aged 41, a mother aged 40, two boys aged 14, and a girl aged 13, providing proof of age for the children, would \mbox{\sikaku{40}.} \vfill \begin{enumerate} \itemindent=0zw \labelsep=1zw \parindent=1zw \item all be allowed to enter the stage front section \item exceed the maximum number of tickets that can be bought at one time \item receive a 50\% discount on three tickets when purchasing in advance \item receive a 10\% discount when purchasing five tickets at one time \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■ コンサートの広告 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ % 白抜き文字を出力するのに参考にしたサイト % http://www.biwako.shiga-u.ac.jp/sensei/kumazawa/tex/fukuro.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% poor man's outline %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\pmoutlinefnt#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}% \setbox1=\hbox{\kern-.050em\copy0\kern-\wd0\kern.050em\copy0% \kern-\wd0\kern.050em\copy0}$ \copy1\kern-\wd1\raise.050em\copy1\kern-\wd1\raise-.050em\copy1% \color[rgb]{1,1,1}\kern-\wd0\kern-.050em\box0 $} \fboxrule=0.4pt \hspace*{-3zw} \fbox{ \begin{minipage}[t]{36zw} \baselineskip=28pt Actan City Stadium \hskip2em http://www.actoncitystadium.us \centerline{\sf\LARGE Acton City Stadium proudly presents} \centerline{{\sf\LARGE the legendary}\kern9pt\pmoutlinefnt{\sf\LARGE Seven Funky Rangers}}%本当は白抜き文字で \centerline{\LARGE Aug. $18^{\rm th}$} \vskip1zh \noindent \begin{small} \baselineskip=13pt The world-famous pop group {\bfseries\itshape Seven Funky Rangers} will play at the Acton City Stadium, {\bf Saturday, August 18th}. Famous for their number one hits {\it Don't Cry No More} and {\it Too Busy Living Life To The Full}, {\bfseries\itshape Seven Funky Rangers} will only perform once this year, so don't miss this chance. Also appearing, {\bfseries\itshape Hip Hop Heroes}. Doors open at 6:00 pm. \vskip1zh \noindent{\bf Ticketing} \noindent Advanced purchase strongly recommended.\\[1pt] Non-reserved tickets available on the day at the door. \def\arraystretch{1.2} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {\bf Tieket type} & {\bf Price} (advanced sales only) & {\bf Status} \\ \hline % VIP seating & A : \$ 300 & Sold out \\ & B : \$ 200 & Available \\ \hline Standard seating & A : \$ 80 & Available \\ & B : \$ 60 & Available \\ \hline Stage front (standingonly) & \$ 50 & Sold out \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \baselineskip=13pt *Add \$20 to the advertised prices above for on-the-day ticket sales. *Young people (ages 10-18, proof of age required) receive 50\% off the above prices (advanced purchases only). *No one under 16 allowed in the stage front section. *No children under 10 allowed. *A maximum of five tickets can be purchased at one time. *Senior citizens (ages 65 and over) receive 10\% off advanced sales prices. *VIP seating includes food and drinks and a back stage tour. \vskip1.5zh \definecolor{DarkGray}{gray}{0.1} \centerline{\colorbox{DarkGray}{\textcolor{white}{Click to Buy}}} \vskip1.5zh \centerline{We accept all major credit cards.} \end{small} \end{minipage} }%%% \fbox{ の終わり \end{description}% 8番目のdescriptionの終わり \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \fboxrule=1.5pt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 五 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \toi 次の文章は,留学プログラムの説明会の中で,バンクーバーの大学に3か 月間留学した二人の学生が,それぞれの体験を語っているものである。文章を読 み,下の問い(問1~5)の\sikaku{41}~\sikaku{45}に入れるのに最も適当なものを,そ れぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。(配点 30) \vskip2zh \baselineskip=18pt \parindent=0pt {\bf Koji's speech} My name is Takeda Koji, and today I will talk about my study-abroad experience in the English Language Program at North Pacific University in Vancouver last year. First of all, I really liked the intensive English classes every weekday. My English has improved a lot. All the teachers were friendly and enthusiastic, and they sometimes stayed late to help us with our projects. I'm truly grateful to Ms.~Lee, my advisor, who always responded to my problems promptly. \vskip2zh Also, I enjoyed exploring the city. It has many good ethnic restaurants and a wonderful park near the ocean where interesting events were held every weekend. I took many weekend trips offered by the program including a visit to the Native Canadian Art Museum and boat trips to several beautiful islands. \vskip2zh On top of that, I totally enjoyed the student life at NPU and attended many student-organized events on campus. My most precious memory is of preparing a big exhibit to introduce Japanese culture for the International Fair. However, there was one problem, that is, computer access. The computer rooms in the Writing Center were always crowded, especially when students were writing midterm or final papers, and it was frustrating to wait so long. \vskip2zh I have one regret, and it's about my host family. Though my host parents and their 10-year-old son were nice people, they were so busy all the time. Both parents worked late, and the boy belonged to the local hockey team. So I often had to eat alone and didn't have much time to interact with them. I felt envious of Yuka, who will speak after me, when I went to a barbecue at her host family's. Now I think I should have consulted the program coordinator about this problem at an early stage. \vskip2zh Finally, I'd like to say that this program is very good for improving your English and expanding your knowledge about different cultures. \vskip2zh {\bf Yuka's speech} My name is Imai Yuka. I was in the same program as Koji at North Pacific University, though my experience was slightly different from his. First, I wasn't so satisfied with the courses offered, though the teachers were all wonderful. There were too many language classes, but only two courses that covered the history and culture of Canada. I mean, I wish I had learned more about Canada as well as studied English. Then the benefits would have been double. \vskip2zh Also, I had mixed feelings about the campus life at NPU. I loved the spacious lawns and nice facilities, but the campus events didn't seem so interesting to me. I know Koji had a great time at the International Fair, but I wanted to go to a concert with my host family instead. However, I was impressed by the wonderful Writing Center with its academic support. Even though it was sometimes crowded, it was worth the wait. I went there almost every weekend and learned how to write a good paper. \vskip2zh And I almost forgot to say that it was such fun to go around the city, especially to street fairs and some really great ethnic restaurants. On the other hand, I didn't take so many trips because there were lots of things going on with my host family. \vskip2zh Actually, what made my stay most exciting and unforgettable was my host family. My host father is an agricultural engineer and he has worked on projects in several different countries. Just talking with him was stimulating, and he, as well as my host mother, always helped me whenever I had problems with homework, friends, and school activities. My host mother is a violinist with the local philharmonic, and so we were able to go to the concerts every month for free. She opened my eyes to classical music, and I promised her that I would start piano lessons when I came back to Japan. They also have lots of friends. I met so many people at all the barbecues they had. \vskip2zh In my case, the rich cultural experience my host family provided and the host family themselves were the best part of my stay. \bigskip \begin{description}% 9番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第41問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Both Koji and Yuka enjoyed \sikaku{41}. \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item city exploration \item class projects \item English language courses \item the International Fair \end{enumerate} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第42問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi What did Koji complain about? \sikaku{42} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item His advisor was often out of reach when he needed help. \item His host family had little time to spend with him. \item The computer rooms didn't have helpful staff. \item The language classes were not so interesting. \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第43問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi What was Yuka's criticism? \sikaku{43} \begin{enumerate} \item She couldn't attend the International Fair. \item She couldn't take weekend trips to beautiful islands. \item The Writing Center was always crowded. \item There were not many classes about Canadian culture. \end{enumerate} \bigskip % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第44問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Which of the following statements is true? \sikaku{44} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item Koji has a good impression of the school facilities. \item Koji thinks that his English should have improved more. \item Yuka has a negative impression of the amount of homework. \item Yuka has a positive feeling toward her host parents. \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第45問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Which of the following pairs of pictures best represents two experiences Yuka described in her speech? \sikaku{45} \vskip3zh \unitlength=1mm \hspace*{-13pt} \begin{picture}(120,140)(0,0) \put(60,0){\line(0,1){140}} \put(0,70){\line(1,0){120}} \put(30,100){\makebox(0,0){\includegraphics*[clip,width=56mm,height=56mm]{p28_1.pdf}}} \put(90,100){\makebox(0,0){\includegraphics*[clip,width=56mm,height=56mm]{p28_2.pdf}}} \put(30,30){\makebox(0,0){\includegraphics*[clip,width=56mm,height=56mm]{p28_3.pdf}}} \put(90,30){\makebox(0,0){\includegraphics*[clip,width=56mm,height=56mm]{p28_4.pdf}}} \put(5,133){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet1}} \put(65,133){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet2}} \put(5,63){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet3}} \put(65,63){\makebox(0,0){\marksheet4}} \end{picture} \end{description}% 9番目のdescriptionの終わり \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \centerline{(\kintou{7zw}{下書き用紙})} \bigskip 英語\hskip-0.5zw(筆記)\hskip-0.5zwの試験問題は次に続く。 \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 六 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \toi 次の文章を読み,下の問い({\bf A}・{\bf B})に答えよ。なお,文章の左にある(1)~ (6)は段落の番号を表している。(配点 36) \bigskip \parindent=-24pt (1)\hskip28pt A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night. This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination. It has been estimated that up to 95\% of people procrastinate at least sometimes, and about 20\% of them do it too much. Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true. Learning about the roots of procrastination can help us understand why most people do it to some extent and also help us decrease our own procrastination. Although researchers do not agree on all the reasons behind procrastination, there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it. \vfill (2)\hskip28pt The first factor is how pleasant or unpleasant people find a task. Research shows that people will put off tasks they find unpleasant. Many high school students may delay cleaning their rooms or doing their homework. However, many might not delay doing such tasks as responding to a friend's email. It is important to remember that whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the individual. For example, someone who loves bicycles might not delay fixing a punctured tire while someone who does not may put it off. \vfill (3)\hskip28pt In addition to how people feel about the job at hand, the amount of confidence they have in their ability to do a task is also related to procrastination. For instance, those who have low expectations of success are more likely to postpone starting a particular job. Conversely, those who believe that they can perform well are more likely to take on challenging tasks rather than avoid them. It should be noted, though, that some counselors argue that too much confidence can also lead to procrastination: some people overestimate how easily they can do a particular task and start too late. \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ (4)\hskip28pt Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control. Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work. Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation could be one example. Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with. Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control. Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute. \vskip3zh (5)\hskip28pt Lastly, there is a link between procrastination and how long people must wait before they see the reward for an effort. For instance, studying hard in school might not give high school students any immediate rewards; what they learn might not seem useful to the present. However, studying can provide them with rewards in the future like the knowledge or skills necessary to pursue their dreams. Sometimes, it is hard to see the benefit of making an effort when the reward is too far away. This can explain why many people do not start saving money for their old age when they are young. \vskip3zh (6)\hskip28pt What are the roots of your procrastination? Because the behaviors described here seem common to most people, you do not need to completely change your habits if you only procrastinate once in a while. On the other hand, if you feel that your procrastination is a problem, the first step to reducing it is identifying the reasons behind it. Self-help books and websites give numerous techniques for overcoming procrastination, but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself. \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \setcounter{subtoi}{0} \noindent {\bf A} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の問い({\gt 問}{\mrksht1}~{\mrksht5})の\sikaku{46}~\sikaku{50}に入れるのに最も適当なものを,そ れぞれ下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選べ。 \end{minipage} \vfill \begin{description}% 10番目のdescriptionの始まり % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第46問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi According to paragraph (2), \sikaku{46}. \vfill \begin{enumerate} \baselineskip=14pt \item people do not forget unpleasant tasks \item people who love bicycles learn to fix tires fast \item people will find different tasks pleasing \item people will put off tasks to write emails \end{enumerate} \vfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第47問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Paragraph (3) implies that \sikaku{47}. \vfill \begin{enumerate} \baselineskip=14pt \item people with low confidence in their ability will start a job earlier \item people with reasonable confidence in their ability procrastinate less \item people's confidence to do a task is not associated with procrastination \item some counselors overestimate the confidence of their clients \end{enumerate} \vfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第48問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi According to paragraph (4), \sikaku{48}. \vfill \begin{enumerate} \baselineskip=14pt \item older people tend to demonstrate more self-control \item people usually exercise self-control without struggle \item self-control is the eagerness to accept invitations \item younger people are willing to resist temptations \end{enumerate} \vfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第49問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi Paragraph (5) argues that many people start saving for old age late because \sikaku{49}. \vfill \begin{enumerate} \baselineskip=14pt \item old age seems too distant in time \item the length of time to old age varies \item there are other things to worry about \item there will be little benefit \end{enumerate} \newpage%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第50問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \itemtoi The author's main argument is that \sikaku{50}. \begin{enumerate} \item many people agree about the four explanations of procrastination \item people who procrastinate are no longer thought of as lazy \item procrastination has become problematic in our society \item we can manage our procrastination by understanding its sources \end{enumerate} \end{description}% 10番目のdescriptionの終わり \noindent {\bf B} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.97\textwidth} \parindent=1zw \baselineskip=20pt 次の表は,本文の段落と内容を表すものである。\sikaku{51}~\sikaku{54}に入れる のに最も適当なものを,下の{\marksheet1}~{\marksheet4}のうちから一つずつ選び,表を完成させよ。 ただし,同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。 \end{minipage} \bigskip \def\arraystretch{1.5} % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< マークシート第51, 52, 53, 54問 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline {\bf Paragraph} & {\bf Content} \\ \hline % (1) & \sikaku{51}\\ \hline % (2) & \sikaku{52}\\ \hline % (3) & The belief in your abilities\\ \hline % (4) & Thea bility to keep to a task\\ \hline % (5) & \sikaku{53}\\ \hline % (6) & \sikaku{54}\\ \hline % \end{tabular} \end{center} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item The appeal of a task \item The phenomenon of procrastination \item The timing of realizing future gains \item The way to deal with procrastination \end{enumerate} \end{document}先頭に戻る UNIQUE LABORATORY に戻る