
2000年6月4日 メールはこのアドレスへお願いします




% eigo.tex
%  作成者: gbb60166@gmail.com
%  平成十年度第二回(佐賀)県下一斉模擬試験(二年英語)より引用

% 上記スタイルファイルは次の URL から入手出来ます。(plext を除く)
% http://homepage3.nifty.com/xymtex/fujitas2/texlatex/index.html#tategumi
\newcount\jikan   % 試験時間
\newcounter{toi} \newcounter{subtoi}[toi]   % 問題番号
% 読み込みフォントの選択
\input{special.fon}	% 特殊フォントの読み込み(こちらを選択)
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     \hfil -\makebox[3ex]{\thepage}-
     \hfil\gakunen 年英語}\def\@evenhead{}
     \def\@evenfoot{\gakunen 年英語\rm\hfil -\makebox[3ex]{\thepage}-
% ページスタイルは plain を選択する
% 共通マクロの読み込み
% \sikaku{ア}とすると四角い枠の中に『ア』と書き込む
#1 \hskip5mm}}}
% 行間の設定
%  段落の頭の下げ
% 問、小問の自動ナンバーリング
\def\toi{\refstepcounter{toi}\par          % 問
\def\subtoi{\refstepcounter{subtoi}\par    % 小問
% =============== 以下は必要に応じて書き直すこと ===============
\def\nendo{10}				% 平成?年度
\def\kaisuu{2}				% 第?回県下一斉模擬試験
\def\gakunen{2}				% ?年生
\jikan=100				% 時間???分
\def\manten{100}			% ???点満点
\def\test_mei{県下一斉模擬試験}		%県下一斉模擬試験 or 学力テスト
\def\bunrui{}				%
% ======================== ここまで =============================
% 各種の定義


\begin{document}   % 本文の始まり始まり‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥

\typeout{★★★ 平成\nendo 年度 第\kaisuu 回\test_mei 問題
(\gakunen 年英語) ★★★}

{\maruxii{\gakunen}} \hskip4zw {\large 平成{\nendo}年度 \hskip1zw

\centerline{$<$ 解答はすべて解答用紙に記入せよ $>$}


\toi 次の各見出し語の下線部と同じ発音を含む語を

\subtoi \makebox[.17\textwidth][l]{gue\underline{ss}}

\subtoi \makebox[.17\textwidth][l]{s\underline{ou}p}

\subtoi \makebox[.17\textwidth][l]{e\underline{x}hibit}

\subtoi \makebox[.17\textwidth][l]{sw\underline{ea}t}

\subtoi \makebox[.17\textwidth][l]{rec\underline{ei}pt}


\toi 次の各組の中で最もアクセントのある位置が他の3つと異なるもの

\subtoi \makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ア.ef-fort}

\subtoi \makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ア.or-ches-tra}

\subtoi \makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ア.ap-par-ent}

\subtoi \makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ア.in-de-pend-end}

\subtoi \makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ア.sat-is-fac-to-ry}


\toi 次の各文の空所に最も適当なものをア~エから選び、記号で答えなさい。

\subtoi I found my dog (\hskip3zw ) under the tree in the yard.\\

\subtoi She says she is going abroad soon, (\hskip3zw ) is a lie.\\

\subtoi My camera is (\hskip3zw ) better than yours.\\

\subtoi She (\hskip3zw ) been in bed yesterday.
I saw her in the supermarket.\\
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ア.cannot have}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{イ.may have}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ウ.must have}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{エ.should have}

\subtoi He would have been drowned if he (\hskip3zw ) swim.\\
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{イ.could not}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ウ.would not}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{エ.hadn't been able to}

\subtoi I work (\hskip3zw ): Monday, Wednesday and Friday.\\
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ア.every day}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{イ.every other day}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{ウ.on another day}
\makebox[.22\textwidth][l]{エ.almost every day}

\subtoi It must be difficult for you to imagine
(\hskip3zw ) before World War I\hskip-1pt I.\\
\makebox[.44\textwidth][l]{ア.what life was like}
\makebox[.44\textwidth][l]{イ.what like was life}\\
\makebox[.44\textwidth][l]{ウ.what was life like}
\makebox[.44\textwidth][l]{エ.what was like life}

\newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\toi 次の各文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適当な

\subtoi It cost me 2{,}000 yen to buy the book.\\
= I (\hskip3zw ) 2{,}000 yen for the book.

\subtoi He is older than I by two years.\\
= I am two years (\hskip3zw ) to him.

\subtoi You have only to wait for her.\\
= (\hskip3zw ) you have to do is to wait for her.

\subtoi Many people live in this city.\\
= This city has a (\hskip3zw ) population.

\subtoi She never fails to see me every Sunday.\\
= She comes to see me (\hskip3zw ) fail every Sunday.


\toi 日本語の意味に合うように(\hskip1zw )内の語(句)を

\subtoi 彼の説明は誤りであると判明した。\\

\subtoi あの歌を聞くと必ず学生時代を思い出す。\\
(that song/remembering/school/never/I/without/days/hear/may).

\subtoi 彼は親切にも私に冷たい飲み物をくれた。\\

\subtoi 私が学校に遅刻したのは、その事故のためだった。\\
(the accident/I/for/was/of/because/late/was/it/school/that).

% 定義の変更
% 大問ごとに番号の振り方が a),b),c) だったり 1.2.3. だったり
% 問1,問2,問3 だったりするのはやめて欲しい
\def\subtoi{\refstepcounter{subtoi}\par    % 小問

\subtoi A : 10月にカナダに行くんだよ。今から楽しみなんだ。\\
B : 本当、\sujibou{それはいい}{それはいいねえ。きっと紅葉が
A : その頃のカナダってどうだろう。寒いかな。\\
B : きっと寒いよ。\sujibou{コートは}

\newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\def\subsubtoi{\refstepcounter{subsubtoi}\par    % 小小問

\toi 次の対話の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを選び記号で

\subtoi A : What are you going to do this weekend?\\
B : I'm going to play golf. How about you?\\
A : I'm going to work in the garden.\\
B : (\hskip3zw )\\
A : You, too.

\subsubtoi Well, you must be a good gardener.
\subsubtoi Well, have a good weekend.
\subsubtoi Well, that's too bad.
\subsubtoi Why don't you play golf with me?

\subtoi A : Are you going to the post office?\\
B : Yes, I am.\\
A : (\hskip3zw )\\
B : Not at all.

\subsubtoi Would you mind mailing these letters for me?
\subsubtoi Why don't you go there in my car?
\subsubtoi Can you buy me some postcards there?
\subsubtoi Where is the post office located?

\subtoi A : What's for dinner?\\
B : It's a secret.\\
A : It smells like a chilen curry.\\
B : (\hskip3zw ) You like it, don't you?

\subsubtoi You guessed it.
\subsubtoi No problem.
\subsubtoi Why not?
\subsubtoi How come?

\subtoi A : What are you looking for?\\
B : A cookie.\\
A : I'm afraid there aren't any more cookies.\\
B : There aren't?\\
A : (\hskip3zw )

\subsubtoi Yes, I get some more tomorrow.
\subsubtoi No, I'll get some more tomorrow.
\subsubtoi Yes, there aren't any?
\subsubtoi No, there are some.

\subtoi A : I'm on vacation next month.\\
B : Me, too.\\
A : I need a change.\\
B : (\hskip3zw ) I'm tired of the same office and
the same people every day!

\subsubtoi Oh, so I do.
\subsubtoi Oh, do you?
\subsubtoi Oh, are you?
\subsubtoi Oh, so do I.

\newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\def\subtoi{\refstepcounter{subtoi}%\par         % 小問の再定義
  \makebox[3.8zw][r]{\hbox to 2.4zw{問\arabic{subtoi}\hspace{.7zw}}}%
\def\subsubtoi{\refstepcounter{subsubtoi}\par    % 小小問

\setcounter{sujitoi}{0}   % カウンターのリセット

\toi 次の英文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。\\
My Japanese friend --- who \sujibou{runs}{runs} company U.S. ---
came home temporarily, as which time he told me of his
dissatisfaction: ``Nicus, America is a free country, but it has
\sujibou{couple}{a couple of bad}\\ \underline{points}." 
One is that there is a lot of crime. The other is that
there are lot of lawsuits ( a case in a court).
American lawyers are like the \textsl{yakuza}:
they invent some excuse for a fight with somebody they've taken
careful aim at andthen they do them out of money."\\
\hskip1em As an example he mentioned
\sujibou{unbelievable}{the unbelievable case} that's
been taken up by Japanese newspapers.
% ↑出力された原稿では自動的にハイフネーションが挿入されているのに注意
% して下さい。TeX はなるべくバランス良く単語が配置されるようにスペースを
% 調整して努力しますが,無理なときは自動的に正しいハイフネーションの
% 位置を計算して,ハイフネーションを自動挿入します。
An old woman driving a car spilled some coffee that she bought
at a drive-through and burned herself.
This old woman claimed that the reason she burned
herself was that the coffee was too hot.
And amazingly, a judgement was pass in court to pay
her 300 million yen. After this, it's said that
there were dozens of cases where people spilled coffee on
themselves on purpose and took the companies to court.\\
``Nicus, there are many such idiotic judgements.
\sujibou{courts}{The courts go by jury system}, so emotions
rather than proof hold sway. Ultimately, lawyers with a gift
for the dramatic win out. There are also cases where companies
that have lost in court go bankrupt because they're unable to
pay reparations ( the money paid for damages ).
My company is also struggling at the moment because of that
tactic. To cap if all off, a bill deciding the maximum limit
of reparations was handed in to congress by a congress member and
was passed. However, at the eleventh hour, Clinton rejected it
in order to win people over in the presidential election.
Where the justice is in this I don't know.''\\
His concern is understandable. I recollected a story I heard
from a friend about Ooka Echizen-no-Kami, a famous Judge in
the Edo period.\\
One day, an honest man picked up three \textsl{ryo}
--- a huge sum of money --- in front of house.
He went to the house and said that someone had
dropped some money on the ground, but the owner of
the house was also an honest man, and since
it wasn't his money, he didn't accept it either.
\sujibou{Having}{Having no other option},
they took it to the courthouse, but the person
who lost it didn't appear. So Ooka Echizen-Kami called
the two and asked them to divide it between
themselves, but the two declined, saying that
they couldn't accept it since it wasn't their money.
\sujibou{Impressed}{Impressed by the two},
Ooka Echizen-no-Kami produceed one \textsl{ryo} himself,
and gave the two two \textsl{ryo} each. Then he said,
``If either of you had taken it you could have received
three \textsl{ryo}, but because you declined, it went down
to two \textsl{ryo}. Each of you loses one \textsl{ryo}.
I also paid one \textsl{ryo}, so I lose one \textsl{ryo}.
This case is settled
\sujibou{three-way}{at a three-way one-\textsl{ryo} loss}."\\
Some people who heard the story and copied it appeared.
\sujibou{Their}{Their hidden motive} was to go halves
with the one \textsl{ryo} that Ooka gave.
Ooka took one \textsl{ryo} from the three \textsl{ryo},
and from the remaining two \textsl{ryo} he handed
over one \textsl{ryo} each to the men and seid, 
``If neither of you had wanted to receive it,
neither of you would have received anything.
But you were both able to get one \textsl{ryo} each.
I also got one \textsl{ryo}. Everyone made
a gain of one \textsl{ryo} each. This case is settled
at a three-way one-\textsl{ryo} gain."\\
I wish this stroy could have gotten through to
President Clinton sooner.


\subtoi 下線部\toiref{runs}とほぼ同じ意味を表す英単語を選び、記号で

% 本当は、\subsubtoi ではないので、論理的には間違いなのだが
% これの方が分かり易いでしょう?。
\subsubtoi works at
\subsubtoi hurries to
\subsubtoi manages
\subsubtoi leaves

\subtoi 下線部\toiref{couple}の具体例を2つの日本語で説明しなさい。

% 小小問を「a) b) c)]→「(1)(2)(3)」に変える
\def\subsubtoi{\refstepcounter{subsubtoi}\par    % 小小問

\subtoi 下線部\toiref{unbelievable}について答えなさい。

\subsubtoi 女性が訴訟を起こした理由を答えよ。

\subsubtoi 訴えた結果どうなったかを答えなさい。

\subsubtoi (2)の後どのような影響があったか答えなさい。

% 小小問を「(1)(2)(3)」→「a) b) c)」に変える
\def\subsubtoi{\refstepcounter{subsubtoi}\par    % 小小問

\subtoi 下線部\toiref{courts}のアメリカの裁判制度において、どの

\subsubtoi 論理的な立証が得意な人
\subsubtoi 裁判官に贈り物を渡す人
\subsubtoi 弁護料が安く、良心的な人
\subsubtoi 演技の才能のある人

\subtoi 下線部\toiref{Having}とほぼ同じ意味になるものを選び、

\subsubtoi Since they didn't know what to do,
\subsubtoi Since they weren't seen picking up the money,
\subsubtoi Since they couldn't find any more money around there,
\subsubtoi Since they couldn't get anything else except the money,

\subtoi 下線部\toiref{Impressed}について、大岡越前は2人のどういう

\subtoi 下線部\toiref{three-way}を日本語で説明しなさい。

\subtoi 下線部\toiref{Their}を日本語で説明しなさい。

\subtoi 次の英文の中から本文の内容と合っているものを2つ選び、

\subsubtoi A lot of companies are in trouble and some of them have
a plan to employ the \textsl{yakuza}.

\subsubtoi A bad point about the jury system is that it costs
a fortune and also it is time-comsuming.

\subsubtoi In America the money paid for dameges are terribly high,
so that many companies are going out of business.

\subsubtoi Clinton thought it was wrong to put a limit to
the amount of money companies pay when they lose their lawsuits.

\subsubtoi Clinton turned down the proposal by congress so that
he could win the election.

\subsubtoi The writer thinks more poeple are honest in Japan than
in America.


\toi 次の英文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。\\
Both men and women are living longer these days in the industrialized
countries. However, women, on the average, live longer.
In general, they can expect to live six or seven years more than men.
The reasons for this are both biological and cultural.\\
One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the
difference in hormones between men and women.
Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control
various body functions. Between the ages of about 12 and 50,
women produce hormones that enable them to have babies.
These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and the blood
flow. In fact, women are less likely to have high blood pressure or
to die from heart attacks.\\
The female hormones also product the body in another way.
they help the body to defend itself against some kinds of infections.
This means that women generally get sick less often and less
seriously than men. The common cold is a good example: women, on average,
get fewer colds than men.\\
Women are also helped by their female genes. Scientists are still
not exactly sure how genes influence aging, but they believe
that they do. Some think that a woman's body cells have a tendency
to age more slowly than a man's. Others think that a man's body cells
have a tendency to age more quickly. Recent research seems to support
both of these possibilities.\\
The cultural context can also influence life expectancy for men and women.
(Life expectancy is the expected length of a person's life.) 
For example, women generally smoke cigarettes less than men.
They also drink less alcohol on average. Both cigarettes and alcohol
have been proved to cause many health problems and to shorten lives.\\
Another factor that has influenced the lives of women is the lack of stress.
Stress is well known to shorten lives. Until recently, women who worked
were usually in less responsible, less stressful positions.
At home, housework tends to keep women in better physical condition than
men. This generally better physical condition is yet another factor
in women's longer lives.\\
These cultural factors have played an inportant part for the women
who are now getting old. But the social habits of women are changing.
Young women are smoking and drinking more than women used to.
More women are working now and holding more responsible positions.
These changes may mean that the cultural context will no longer
help women live healthier lives. However, the other, biological
factors in life expectancy remain unchanged. Women probably will
thesefore continue to live longer than men.

\def\subtoi{\refstepcounter{subtoi}%\par         % 小問の再定義
  \makebox[2.5zw][r]{\hbox to 1.5zw{\arabic{subtoi}.\hspace{.7zw}}}%
% 小小問を「(1)(2)(3)」→「a) b) c)」に変える
\def\subsubtoi{\refstepcounter{subsubtoi}\par    % 小小問

次の各文の \sikaku{} の中に最も適するものを選び、それぞれ

\subtoi Women in developed countries \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi are generally expectd to live longer than men.
\subsubtoi are expectd to live longer than before,
while men are not expected to live longer.
\subsubtoi are likely to die earlier than men by six or seven years.
\subsubtoi are increasing in the birth rate, compared to men.

\newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\subtoi Women are less likely to have high blood pressure or die from
heart attacks \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi because the male hormones do much harm to the heart and
the blood flow.
\subsubtoi because women over fifty can't produce hormones in their body.
\subsubtoi because female hormones have a favorable effect
on the heart and the blood flow.
\subsubtoi because the female hormones they produce are helpful
as long as they live.

\subtoi Women have less possibility of catching cold than me \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi because men don't have the female hormones at all.
\subsubtoi because female hormones help to protect women's bodies
from diseases.
\subsubtoi because men tend to work late at night outside their homes.
\subsubtoi because women are inclined to take better care of their health
than men.

\subtoi Scientists are sure \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi female genes have nothing to do with the aging processes.
\subsubtoi male body cells tend to get older more slowly than female ones.
\subsubtoi female body cells are likely to get older more quickly than
male ones.
\subsubtoi female genes make women's aging processes slower.

\subtoi As for drinking and smoking habits, it can be said \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi that the number of women who suffer from alcoholism
or lung cancer is decreasing.
\subsubtoi that neither drinking nor smoking habits have an influence
on women's health.
\subsubtoi that women tend to drink and smoke less than men.
\subsubtoi that women can control their desire to enjoy too much
alcohol and smoking.

\subtoi Until recently women had less stress than men \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi because doing housework was a good chance to refresh themselves
after work.
\subsubtoi because working women had not been playing important roles
in society.
\subsubtoi because they had been successful at both housekeeping
and work outside.
\subsubtoi because the number of men doing housework had been

\subtoi The author thinks that \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi women's life expectancy can't explained culturally
but that they will continue to live longer than men because
biological factors won't change.
\subsubtoi young women are smoking and drinking so much that women
won't live longer than men any more.
\subsubtoi women's life expectancy will be changeable since the female
hormones can easily be lost depending on social habits.
\subsubtoi there will be no difference in life expectancy in the future
between men and women now that women are leading lives that
are as stressfull as men's.

\subtoi The most appropriate title for this passage is \sikaku{}

\subsubtoi Let's Get Healthy!
\subsubtoi Change Women's Status!
\subsubtoi Life Expectancy and Stress
\subsubtoi Long Live Women!
